CDM AMS-III.AV.: Low Greenhouse Gas Emitting Safe Drinking Water Production Systems
Table of Contents
Need and Use for the AMS-III.AV Policy
Token (Carbon Emission Reduction)
AMS-III.AV presents an approach aimed at providing safe drinking water by adopting low greenhouse gas (GHG) emitting water purification systems. This methodology stands as a pivotal step towards displacing environmentally detrimental practices, specifically non-renewable biomass, or fossil fuel-based water boiling, with sustainable technologies for water treatment. By addressing the critical need for safe drinking water while concurrently reducing GHG emissions, AMS-III.AV emerges as a catalyst for fostering healthier and more sustainable communities worldwide.
Key Objectives and Scope
The primary objective of AMS-III.AV revolves around mitigating GHG emissions by replacing water boiling practices reliant on non-renewable biomass or fossil fuels with low-emission water purification systems. This methodology encompasses a diverse array of point-of-use (POU) or point-of-entry (POE) water treatment systems tailored for residential or institutional settings. Ranging from membrane filters to solar-powered ultraviolet (UV) disinfection devices and chemical disinfection methods like chlorination, these technologies constitute the core toolkit. Soil filtration schemes, including boreholes and wells with container disinfection, also fall within the scope of this methodology, fostering a comprehensive approach towards sustainable water treatment solutions.
Need and Use for the AMS-III.AV Policy
Access to safe drinking water stands as a fundamental human right, yet millions globally face challenges in securing this basic necessity. Unsafe water sources, often contaminated by pathogens, pollutants, and inadequate sanitation, pose severe health risks, leading to waterborne diseases such as cholera, dysentery, and typhoid. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that nearly 2 billion people globally consume water from sources contaminated with feces, emphasizing the urgent need for reliable and safe drinking water solutions.
AMS-III.AV plays a role in addressing this global crisis by advocating for the adoption of low greenhouse gas (GHG) emitting water purification systems. Beyond the immediate goal of mitigating GHG emissions, this methodology aims to ensure the availability of safe drinking water, especially in regions lacking access to established public distribution networks. By facilitating the implementation of technologies that treat water at its point of use or entry, AMS-III.AV not only combats environmental challenges but also addresses crucial health concerns associated with contaminated water sources.
Safe drinking water is an indispensable component of public health and well-being. The availability of clean and potable water significantly reduces the risk of waterborne diseases and contributes to the overall improvement of health outcomes. However, various regions face substantial hurdles in securing safe water access due to inadequate infrastructure, environmental degradation, and limited resources.
Policy Workflow
Policy Guide
This policy is published to Hedera network and can either be imported via Github (.policy file) or IPFS timestamp.
Available Roles
Project Participant - The project participant is responsible for executing the emission reduction project. The project participant must adhere to the requirements outlined by the CDM and provide evidence of the emission reductions achieved. Upon successful verification, the project participant receives certified emission reduction (CER) tokens as an incentive for their emission reductions.
Verification and Validation Body (VVB) - The VVB plays a critical role in independently verifying and validating the project data submitted by the project participant. They thoroughly assess the project's emission reduction potential, methodologies, and adherence to the policy guidelines. Based on their evaluation, the VVB either approves or rejects the project for registration.
Registry (UNFCCC) - The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) serves as the registry for the CDM. They oversee the multiple workflow steps involved in the project's approval, including the verification and validation process by the VVB. The UNFCCC's approval is necessary for the project's successful registration and issuance of CER tokens.
Important Documents & Schemas
Project Description - Project Participant information, standard project information, methodology information like baseline emissions, project emissions, etc.
Emissions Reduction – Schema included within the project information form; this is filled out by the project participant to calculate annual emission reductions.
Monitoring Report – The monitoring report is to be filled out based on the monitoring plan mentioned within the methodology.
Tools Referenced
Methodological Tool 01- Tool for the demonstration and assessment of additionality
Methodological Tool 03 - Tool to calculate project or leakage CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion.
Methodological Tool 05 - Baseline, project and/or leakage emissions from electricity consumption and monitoring of electricity generation.
Methodological Tool 19- Demonstration of additionality of microscale project activities
Methodological Tool 21- Demonstration of additionality of small-scale project activities
Methodological Tool 30- Calculation of the fraction of non-renewable biomass
Token (Carbon Emission Reduction)
Certified Emission Reduction (CER) credits, each equivalent to one tonne of CO2.
Step by Step
Log in as the Standard Registry and import the policy either by file or through IPFS timestamp by selecting the third button at the top right.
To start using the policy you first have to change the status of the policy from “Draft” to “Dry Run” or “Publish”, then select the “Register” button.
Create a new user by clicking the “Create User” button and assign their role as Project Participant.
The Project Participant can now provide their name or the name they would like to see reflect when registering for this project (i.e. their organization’s name).
Сreate a new user again and assign their role as VVB.
The VVB can now provide their name or the name they would like users to see when reviewing projects (i.e. their organization’s name).
Log in as the SR and select the “Project Participant” or the “VVB” tab to view the documents submitted by the Project Participant and by the VVB. The SR can approve their requests by clicking on the “Approve" button.
Log in as the Project Participant and create a new project by clicking on the "New Project" button. This form is used to collect information about the project, organization, and all the data needed to run the emission reduction calculations. Once all the required fields have been filled the “Create” button will turn dark blue. By selecting the “Create” button all the data will be sent to the SR for review/approval.
Log back in as the SR and after reviewing the document by selecting the “View Document” button, the SR can validate the project submitted by the Project Participant by clicking the “Validate” button. If the data does not satisfy the rules set by the SR, then the “Reject” button can be used.
Log in as the Project Participant and create a monitoring report by clicking on the “Add Report” button then fill out the monitoring report form.
After creating the monitoring report, the project participant assigns the VVB to verify it by navigating to the “Monitoring Reports” tab and selecting the dropdown under “Assign”.
Log in as the VVB and click the “Monitoring Reports” tab to review the document submitted by the Project Participant. After reviewing the monitoring report by selecting “View Document”, the VVB can select “Verify”.
Log in as the SR to review the monitoring report by selecting the “View Document” button in the “Monitoring Reports” tab. The SR can approve the monitoring report by selecting “Approve”. This will also trigger the minting process. You can see the minting status under “Status” change from “Minting” to “Minted”.
Once the minting process is completed, you can view the token amount by selecting the “VPs” tab.
The TrustChain can also be viewed by clicking on the “View TrustChain” button.
Last updated