Prerequesite Steps

Prior to creating a policy there are a few steps that need to be done first. Please see below for the prerequesite steps:

New Standard Registry registration

POST /api/v1/accounts/register

Request Body

  username: string
  password: string
  password_confirmation: string
  role: string


POST /api/v1/accounts/login

Request Body

  username: string
  did: any
  role: string
  accessToken: string

Hedera account creation

GET /api/v1/demo/randomKey



Address book creation

PUT /api/v1/profile

Request Body

iRec schema creation

POST /api/v1/schemas

Request Body


iRec schema publish

PUT /api/v1/schemas/61ee7ecd9c02660014fa662e/publish

Request Body

Token creation

POST /api/v1/tokens

Request Body


Last updated