Policy Differentiation using UI
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We can now perform a detailed comparison between two or more policies.
To compare the policies, we need to click on Compare button in the policies tab as shown below:
When Compare button is clicked, we get a pop up to select policies, which we want to perform comparison off.
Selected Policies are compared to the first Policy (displayed in the section on the left-hand side), the rest of the sections show the results of the ‘diffs’.
We have several different sections in our comparison screen including filter parameters:
Events: configures if differences in events are reflected in the results of the comparison of blocks
Don't compare
event differences are not reflected in the results of comparing blocks
All events
event differences are reflected in the block comparison results
2. Properties : configures how differences in Properties are reflected in the results of comparing blocks
Don't compare
differences in properties do not have effect on the comparison of blocks, except the ‘tag’ and ‘block type’ which do.
Only simple properties
only simple Properties influence block comparison
All properties
all Properties are taken into consideration for block comparison
3. Children : configures how differences in child blocks influence the results of comparing parent blocks
Don't compare
when parents blocks are compared their child blocks are not taken into consideration
Only child blocks of the first level
only immediate children of parent blocks are compared when comparing parent blocks
All children
all children of parent blocks are compared when comparing parent blocks
4. UUID : configures if UUID and Hedera ID are taken into consideration when comparing blocks
Don't compare
UUIDs of schemas, tokens, topics, etc and their Properties are not compared when blocks are compared
all IDs are taken into consideration when comparing blocks (for example when this option is chosen if all Properties of tokens in two Policies being compared are the same these tokens would still be considered different since they would by definition have different UUIDs)
There are different sections in the comparison such as
Main – shows results of comparison of the main fields of the Policies
Policy Roles – shows results of comparison of the roles of Policies
Policy Groups – shows results of comparison of the groups
Policy Topics – shows results of comparison of dynamic topics
Policy Tokens – shows results of comparisons of dynamic tokens
Policy Blocks – shows results of comparisons of Policy block structures
We have several Display settings in Policy Blocks section:
Display Settings: description and show/hide settings for each color/type of difference:
blocks are equal, including their child blocks
Green - Amber
blocks are equal, but their child blocks are different
blocks are of the same type and are partially equal, there are some notable differences
blocks are absent in the other Policy
Block comparison displays can be unfolded to display a detailed view of the block Properties.